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Create a Chart

  • You can only create charts under System Setup, a restricted area that only a handful of trained and trusted Users should have access to.
  1. Go to System Setup > Charts.
  2. Click New.
  3. Complete the necessary fields.
  4. Click Save.

Chart Fields

The Page whose records contain this chart's data.
Chart Name
A friendly title for this chart.
Tip: Users can layer a chart with any View, so it's best to avoid overly specific titles.
Label Field
Categories that records sort into, such as Congregations or Contact Statuses. Use the format: Table_Name.Field_Name; for example, Attribute_Type_ID_Table.Attribute_Type.
Data Field
Field to use for calculation. For example, Donor_ID may be useful with Count, whereas Donation_Amount works better with Sum. Use the format: Page_Name.Field_Name; for example, Attributes.Attribute_Type_ID.
Sort Field
If specified, the system uses this value to sort. The value must match either the Label Field or Data Field, although you can wrap it in alternate formatting.
Aggregation Type
The calculation used on this data set.
Default Chart Type
Type of visual used to display the data.
Defines where a chart displays on a Page. The lowest value displays first (in the top left), and the highest value displays last (in the bottom right).
Determines whether you can see the chart on the selected Page.

Chart Example

In this example, we want to sort Contacts according to their Contact Status and show the total number of Contacts for each status. To accomplish this, here's what to do on the chart record:
  • Page: Contacts
  • Chart Name: Contacts by Contact Status
  • Label Field: Contact_Status_ID_Table.[Contact_Status]
  • Data Field: Contact_ID
  • Aggregation Type: Count
  • Default Chart Type: Doughnut
  • Position: 1

Example of the chart created with the information provided, showing the number of contacts for each Contact Status

When a User adds a chart to their dashboard, it displays the Chart Title followed by the Aggregation Type in parenthesis. A sub-title displays the Page this chart is based on and the View used to filter the chart.

Edit a Chart

Change a chart's Chart Type and View Title, select whether to display Trend Lines, and more.

  • You must have Charts turned on to do this.

    The Charts toggle slid to the right and lit up blue to indicate that charts are turned on

  1. Go to the Page or Dashboard with the chart you want to edit.
  2. Click the three vertical dots icon in the top corner of the chart you want to edit.
  3. Edit the chart.
  4. Click Add to Dashboard to save your changes.