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April 3, 2024

View new features and enhancements released on April 3, 2024.

Optional Two-Step Verification

When you enable two-step verification, you add an extra layer of security to your Realm account. You can choose to receive email or text message verification when you sign in to Realm. If your sign-in information is compromised, other individuals won't have your additional verification credentials, and won't be able to sign in or access your personal and giving information.


Google and Apple Sign In

Google and Apple sign in are separate from two-step verification. If you use Google or Apple credentials to sign in, you will not receive a verification email or text from Realm. This is because you are already using the verification settings of your Google or Apple account.

Enable two-step verification to protect your account. From the My Account page, all individuals can now enable two-step verification for their account. You can select from email or text message verification, or enable both.

Create recovery codes for two-step verification. If you can't access the email or mobile device you use for verification, you can use a recovery code to sign in to your account. You must first create the codes, and then save them in a safe location.

Note: Two-step verification for individuals is optional unless administrators choose to require it.
Require two-step verification for designated users. Administrators can require that leaders or users with specific Realm or accounting responsibilities use two-step verification to sign in. Administrators can also choose to require verification for all user accounts.

If an administrator requires verification for a user, the user may skip verification the first time they sign in, but must set it up the next time.

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