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Secure your Account with Two-Step Verification

What is two-step verification and how does it secure your account?

What is two-step verification?

Two-step verification is a layered approach to securing your account. This requires you to use a combination of two or more credentials to verify your identity when you sign in.

Why is it important to use two-step verification?

If your account password becomes compromised, this additional method of verification prevents unauthorized people from logging into your account and gaining access to your personal and giving information.

See more information on why two-step verification is important or download and print this informational PDF.

Can I set up more than one method of two-step verification?

Yes, you can set up all forms of verification - such as email and text message. You can then choose which form of verification is easiest to use for the device or computer you're logging in to.

Why do I not receive an email or text verification if I'm using Google, Apple, or Microsoft to sign in?

If you enable two-step verification, but you use your Google, Apple, or Microsoft account to sign in, you will not receive an email or text verification. This is because you are already using the verification settings of your Google, Apple, or Microsoft account.

Why do I not receive an email when setting up two-step verification for my account?

If you did not receive an email, check all of your mail folders, including your spam folder. The email will come from this address: mail.ministrylogin.com.

If you still do not receive the email, you may need to whitelist mail.ministrylogin.com. Whitelisting tells your email service provider that mail coming from this source is safe, and helps prevent it from being blocked or marked as spam.

The process of whitelisting an email is different based on each email provider, and you will need to refer to instructions for your email provider to do this.

Does two-step verification work for new account creation?

No. You must already have an account to enable two-step authentication. You can set up two-step verification from your account page.

Do I have to use the mobile phone number that's linked to my account to enable two-step verification by text?

No. You can enable two-step verification on any mobile number available to you.

What happens if I can't access my second form of verification or change my email or mobile device?

If change your email or mobile device, or can't access it for some reason, you can use a recovery code. You can then manage your verification methods by removing the old method and adding a new one. Each recovery code can only be used once, but you can generate new codes at any time.

What happens if an administrator disables a two-step requirement when I previously enabled it as an individual?

If you enable two-step verification for your account, your individual setting will override any other two-step settings changed by the administrator.

For example, you enable two-step verification as an user with responsibilities, and then your administrator requires two-step verification for your responsibility. If the administrator then chooses to disable the two-step verification requirement for your responsibility, this will not disable two-step verification for your account because you manually set that as an individual.

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