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July 24, 2024

View new features and enhancements released on July 24, 2024.


Feature an event more than one time. Previously, if you featured an event for a certain amount of time, and the feature ended, you could not feature that event again. You can now feature an event again after the feature date ends.

Text Messaging

View text messaging usage data. We fixed an issue where graphs on the Text Messaging page were not updating with accurate text usage numbers.

One-Way Text History

View one-way text history for parents of children. We fixed an issue where one-way text history was not including texts that were sent to parents of children.

Change Log

View change log information about groups and pledges after a merge. We fixed an issue where the change log was not displaying accurate numbers about groups and pledges after a merge.

Profile Types

Better profile and search experience for all. The Profiles area now consists of three profile types- people (or congregants), businesses, and personnel. When searching, you'll see results by profile types, and the number of results in each profile type. Learn more about these and other changes.

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