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October 30, 2024

View new features and enhancements released on October 30, 2024.

Registration Events

Changes to selecting registrants and guests for event registration. We've fixed an issue where registering for an event with only a guest, but no registrants who have a Realm profile, would create a blank registration. You will no longer be able to register for an event with only a guest in the registration form.

If you need to register only an individual who does not have a Realm account as a guest, you can register them using the public event registration form. You can do this in the following ways:

Administrators and users with the proper permissions can get and share a link to the public registration form. For more information, click here.

ACS Technologies Assistant

View documentation in a new way. Subscribers who have the Connect, Multiply, and Office packages can now access the ACS Technologies Assistant from pages in the Connect section.

Click the Ministry Hub, select Connect, then click the question mark icon in the top-right corner to begin.

With the ACS Technologies Assistant, you can:

  • View help documentation related to the current Realm page

  • Search all help documentation from within Realm

  • View the newest release notes in the What's New section

Support Live Chat

Contact support using live chat from within Realm. Subscribers who have the Connect package can now open a live chat session with support. First, click the question mark icon in the top-right corner of any non-Connect page to open the ACS Technologies Assistant. Then, click the Live Chat with Someone button within the ACS Technologies Assistant.

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