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Enable Skills and Interests

An admin must enable skills and interests before they display to people in your church.

Permissions Required

Only available to administrators and users who have the Manage Skills/Interests permission.

You can record the skills and interests of individuals to match them with volunteer opportunities. You can edit the list of skills and interests or add new ones while they are disabled. Then, when you're ready for your church to use skills and interests, you can enable them.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Profiles > Settings > Skills & Interests.
  2. Under the Enabled option, select Yes to enable skills and interests.
  3. Select how your church views skills and interests:
    • Display When Adding Profile— Allow individuals to select skills and interests when they sign up for a Realm profile.
    • Allow Individuals to View— Allow individuals to see the list of skills and interests on their profile.
    • Allow Individuals to Edit— Allow individuals to select their own skills and interests from the list.
  4. Click Save.