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Bulk Mail with USPS

Prepare your mailing list for the post office.

Here are two resources from the USPS website that you should be aware of:
  1. Create a query.
  2. Click Show Results.
  3. Near the top of the page, click the print options icon, select List (csv), and select one of the CSV list options: Individual List, Household List, or Family List.
    The list will be saved as a CSV file on your computer. You can open it in a spreadsheet program to review, but you should maintain its .csv format if you re-save.
  4. This file can now be used with the USPS's Intelligent Mail® service.

Create Mailing Labels

Use custom queries to create mailing labels.

Though you can create mailing labels from other pages in Realm, a common way is through custom queries. Before you begin, you'll need Avery 5160 labels when using a laser printer or Avery 8160 labels when using an inkjet printer.

  1. Create a query.
  2. Click Show Results.
  3. By default, all records are selected. If you prefer, select only the records you want to create labels for by clicking the top check box then selecting only certain records.
  4. Near the top of the page, click the print options icon, select Labels, and make a selection:
    • Individual Labels— Outputs the report results as an address label list (one label per family member) that displays in a new tab or window. Example: Joe Smith 123 Elm Street Happy Valley, SC 29501 and Sue Smith 123 Elm Street Happy Valley, SC 29501 and Jack Smith 123 Elm Street Happy Valley, SC 29501
    • Household Labels— Outputs the report results as an address label list (one label per household) that displays in a new tab or window. Whereas family labels will include just the names of primary family members, household labels will include the children's names as well if there is room. If not, the label will simply read "The Smith Family", for instance: Joe, Sue, and Jack Smith 123 Elm Street Happy Valley, SC 29501 or The Smith Family 123 Elm Street Happy Valley, SC 29501

      • Address linking— In order for members of a household to display on the same Household label, their mailing address must be linked on their profile records. If their mailing address is not linked on their records, each member will print on separate Household labels. To link addresses, on the profile record you want to link, click Link address, select the record you want to link to, then click OK.
      • Different last names— If spouses have different last names, the household label will still include only the last name of the individual with the highest family position ("head" as opposed to "spouse" or "other", for example) when all names won't fit the label: "The Smith Family".
    • Family Labels— Outputs the report results as an address label list (one label per family) that displays in a new tab or window. The address includes only the names of primary family members: Joe and Sue Smith 123 Elm Street Happy Valley, SC 29501
  5. Specify whether you want to sort your results alphabetically or by ZIP code.
  6. If you're including only selected records, click Selected only. If all records are selected, you will not see this option.
  7. Click Run.
  8. The output downloads as a PDF. To open it, follow the notification displayed by your browser. You can also get it from the report log.
    • Print using Actual Size (100%) and make sure the Fit to Page option is not selected.
    • Select Labels as Print Type. If your printing device doesn't show Labels as an option, select Heavyweight or Cardstock.

Use Queries for Mail Merge

Steps for using custom queries to generate a mail merge with Microsoft Office

You can use the results of a query to create a mail merge in Microsoft Office.

  1. Create a query.
  2. Near the top of the page, click the print options icon, select List (csv), and select an option. You can export your results as a CSV file in any of the label formats.
  3. Import the CSV file into Excel, and make any formatting changes you want.
  4. Save as an Excel spreadsheet file.
  5. Import into Word using its mail merge feature. Detailed instructions are on Microsoft's website.