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Run a Predefined Report

Predefined reports don't require a lot of prep.

  • Most users have access to the Predefined Reports page, but their view is limited by their permissions. For example, those who don't have permissions to view giving records, will not see the giving reports.

In the Predefined Reports section, you can choose from reports that are already set up to run within Realm. If you need something more specific, you can create a custom query instead.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Reporting > Predefined Reports.
  2. Find the appropriate report. To view a sample, click the magnifying glass with a plus symbol.
  3. Click Edit and Run.
  4. Fill in the information requested. Items with an asterisk are required.
  5. Click Run.
    1. Edit the report.
    2. Save it for future use.

Edit/Save/Rerun a Predefined Report

Once you've run a predefined report, you can edit and save it for later use.

  1. Run a predefined report. Once finished, the Edit Report button becomes active. Use it to make any changes you need to the report.
  2. Click Save or Save As.
  3. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Reporting > My Saved Reports. You can view, rerun, or share your saved reports. You can also delete or stop sharing a report from this page.

    When query selections no longer match...

    Over time, you might have to rename fields, change field selections, and alter permissions. This will affect your saved reports and could even make them impossible to run. When this happens, you will be notified that the original report can no longer be executed exactly as created. Acknowledge the message to continue.

Predefined Report Descriptions

Here are additional notes about particular reports. Not all reports are described. To see descriptions of other reports, in Realm, click Reporting > Predefined Reports and locate the report you want.

People Statistics Report
The age ranges on the People Statistics Report can be customized in the Overview Dashboard. Users can change the age ranges from the default to suit their preferences, and select the option to add in the Unknown category, which will add in a total of everyone without a birth date on their profile. The age ranges on the Overview Dashboard are the age ranges that display on the People Statistics report, which also includes whether or not the Unknown age category displays on the report.
Multi Year Report
By default, this report runs five years of annual gift totals and can display up to 10 years. Click Apply ending month/day to each year to only display gift totals within a specific date range for each year. For example, you can use this to display quarterly totals per year.
Roster Totals
  • Detailed Attendance—This selection will add a column that lists the number of events during the date range selected. It shows attendance for each group.
    Roster Totals report showing Present and Enrolled as well as number of events for the ministry area, Worship

  • Daily Attendance—This selection will add a column that lists the number of days on which events occurred during the date range selected. It shows attendance for each group.
    Roster Totals report showing Present and Enrolled as well as number of days for the ministry area, Worship

  • Split columns display attendees present vs individuals enrolled in the group or ministry area.
  • Event Totals-- This selection shows a true picture of attendance at a specific point in time. Additional Markings are included in the Guest column.

  • Detailed Attendance—If selected, the report will list attendance for each individual in each event. Totals will be calculated per event.
  • Daily Attendance—If selected, the report will list attendance for each individual on each day events were held. Totals will be calculated per day.