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Reorder Ministry Areas and Groups

You can move ministry areas and groups to reorganize them.

To move a sub-ministry area or group, navigate to the sub-ministry area or group to move, click it, then drag and drop it where you want. Keep in mind that you cannot drag and drop a top-level ministry area into another top-level ministry area. The order of ministry areas and groups on this page is mirrored wherever they are displayed in Realm.


Moving groups to a new top-level ministry area may affect the following:

  • Previous top-level ministry area attributes associated with group members will be deleted.
  • Previous top-level ministry area resources will be deleted from the group.
  • Check-in kiosks and attendance profiles may be affected, depending on how they were configured
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Groups > Ministry Areas.
  2. Click the ministry area you want to move, then drag and drop the ministry area where you want.