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Gifts Field Descriptions

Detailed information that could be helpful while you enter gifts.


This is a bank check
Select this option to mark the routing and account number of the check as a bank check. The next time a check with the same routing and account number is scanned, you only have to select an individual to connect with the gift.
Gift Type

Displays on all three tabs. You can select from two different options:

  • Regular Gift— A traditional gift such as a weekly offering or a fund contribution.
  • Gift for Items of Value— Also known as quid pro quo, an example of this would be a youth group raffle ticket that sells for $20, but the contributor purchases the ticket for $100 as an extra gift to the youth group. You would list the Value as $20 and the Amount as $100. The Value of the gift is nondeductible and the remaining amount of the contribution is deductible.
Payment Form

Select how the gift was paid for:

  • Individual Cash Gift— Select this to indicate that a cash gift was given from an individual.
  • Loose Cash— Select this to indicate that the gift was a collection of monies from a group. An example of this would be the Sunday service offering plate.
  • Credit— Select this to indicate the gift was made using a credit or debit card.
  • Other Online— Select if your church uses an online service (like PayPal) to accept gifts. If so, a Ref# field is added to the transaction line to help the online service to identify the transaction with a reference number.
  • Non-cash Gift— Select if the gift was an item or a service contributed in lieu of cash. An example would be if a contributor donates a TV to the youth building.
This option is not available for Gift for Item of Value, Loose Cash, or Non-cash Gift. Select this option when entering transactions that cannot be counted as a deduction. Nondeductible transactions do not display on giving statements when you print them from the Print Giving Statement window. When printing a statement from the Giving tab on an individual's profile, you can choose whether or not to print nondeductible gifts. This option is located within the filter. If you select this option, two columns print (Deductible and Nondeductible) on the giving statement.
Name or Giving Number
Enter the contributor's name or their giving (envelope) number. As you type, a list displays from which to select. If a giving number is assigned to more than one person, for instance a husband and wife, both individuals appear in the list and you will need to choose one. But when you view or print giving records, both people are associated with the gift.
Enter the first few characters of the fund, or the fund name or code, and one or more matches display.
Amount to Pledge
Visible for non-cash gift types whenever there is an active campaign. The field is not required, but allows you to enter an amount to apply toward a pledge as part of a non-cash gift such as goods.
Enter additional information about the gift here. For example, "Use for mission fund". Anything entered here displays on the individual's personal Giving page.
Tax Law Requirements
For IRS regulations about charitable contributions, see https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p1771.pdf.