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Add an Invoice

Enter what you pay your vendors for their services.

  • You must have accounting administrator or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Transactions > Invoices.
  2. Click Add Invoice.
  3. If the invoice is a credit, select Invoice Credit.
  4. Select the Payee, the Invoice Date, and the Due Date.
  5. The Invoice Number is entered automatically based on the vendor but can be changed.
  6. In the Amount field, enter the full amount due.
    Tip: When adding a new invoice with multiple distributions, leave the first Amount field alone. Once all of your distributions are entered, click Save or Save & Add Another to calculate your total amount automatically!
  7. In the Account field, begin entering each account segment, then select it from the list that displays as you type. The fund and core account are required; the other fields are optional.
  8. In the second Amount field, enter the amount for that account.
  9. Optional: Enter a Comment and select a Project.
  10. Click Add a line if the transaction is split across more than one account.
  11. Optional: Enter a Description to describe the invoice.
  12. If you need to attach a file, click the Attachments tab.
    1. Click Add Attachment.
    2. Click View allowed file types to make sure your attachments will be accepted.
    3. Click Choose File.Locate and select the file you want to attach.
    4. Give the file a descriptive name.
    5. Add notes to further define what the attachment is for.
    6. Click Save.
  13. If you want to add another invoice, click Save & Add Another. Otherwise, click Save.
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