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Platform Configuration

The Login Widget uses the standard MinistryPlatform login flow to access different applications, so consider the following:
  • Any visitor to your church website can create an account using the login flow. Their account will have no security roles until an administrator assigns them.
  • Any visitor to your church website can reset their password using the login flow. Your password complexity displays when the user is resetting their password.
  • Creating or resetting a password requires the password complexity to be met, as determined on the Domain record.
    Tip: Help your users out by putting your password complexity requirements in your Account Recovery email.
  • All social logins (defined as Identity Providers) configured for use with existing MinistryPlatform applications will be available.

Review your Domain and Accounts settings for text message configuration, user account settings, and user account emails in relation to logging in. For details, see Login, Create Account, & Password Reset.