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Widget Configuration

If you choose to use any widgets that require authentication (like My Groups, My Household, My Subscriptions, and so on), you'll need to include the Login widget on the same page. But even if you only use widgets that don't require authentication, the Login Widget is recommended.

The Login widget always presents the option to log out, along with the ability to view and edit the user's information through the My Profile link.

The drop-down list may be extended to include additional navigation items by adding anchor tags inside of the widget tags. These links display as menu items if a user is logged in.
  • You can include multiple anchor tabs inside the widget tags.
  • When you edit the following to include your church's website, this displays an About Us menu item when a user is logged in:
    <mpp-user-login><a href="https://example-church.com/aboutus">About Us</a></mpp-user-login>

Configure Your Widget

Fill out the Widget Configurator below, copy your generated widget code, and paste it into your website.