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Platform Configuration

Opportunities may be selected from the Opportunity Finder Widget whenever they meet the following criteria:

  • Today's date is equal to or greater than the Publish Date.
  • Today's date is less than the Opportunity Date (if defined).
  • The Ministry associated with the Opportunity has Available Online set to Yes.
  • The Visibility Level is either:
    • Staff: Visible only for authenticated users with at least (1) current Group Participant Record where Employee Role is set to Yes (belonging to any Group of any Group Type).
    • Public: Visible for any user.
    • Hidden URL: Visible to anyone who has been provided a direct link to the Opportunity.
  • The total number of Placed Responses is less than the Max Needed value.

Review your eligible Opportunities to ensure they display as expected.

  • Title: The Opportunity Title.
  • When: The Opportunity Date. If blank, this is replaced with "Ongoing".
  • Description: The Opportunity Description. Line breaks are supported.
  • Location: This field is populated from the Program's Congregation.
  • Contact Person: The individual responsible for following up with people interested in the Opportunity. If configured, they will be notified when there is an opportunity response.
  • Remaining Need: This field displays number of Responses still needed. This is calculated as the total number of Responses (which have a Response Result value of "Placed") subtracted from Maximum Needed.
  • Response Message: An optional message that can be sent to the interested volunteer.
  • Custom Form: Add your Custom form to collect additional information from the person responding to the Opportunity, like t-shirt size, food allergies, or age group interest.