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You can customize the Opportunity Details Widget (or any Widget!) to be consistent with your branding, look and feel!

CSS: Every Widget accepts the Custom CSS attribute. Include it before the opening Widget tag is closed and customize backgrounds, button colors, and more.

Application Labels: Want to change the button to "Sign Up" instead of "Submit Response"? To make changes, go to System Setup > Application Labels and update the appropriate label(s). Note that you are responsible for all translations if the default is not used.

  • mpp-opportunity-details.responseButtonText: Text that appears on the response button. Default is "Submit Response".
  • mpp-opportunity-details.thankYouMessage: The Message that is displayed after a response is successfully submitted. Default is "Thank you for responding about this Opportunity! If needed, use the form below to respond for another household member".
  • mpp-opportunity-details.validationFailedMessage: The Message that is displayed after an unsuccessful response. Default is "Some field values are incorrect or missing. Please correct and try to submit the form again."