You can customize the Opportunity Details Widget (or any Widget!) to be consistent with your branding, look and feel!
CSS: Every Widget accepts the Custom CSS attribute. Include it before the opening Widget tag is closed and customize backgrounds, button colors, and more.
Application Labels: Want to change the button to "Sign Up" instead of "Submit Response"? To make changes, go to and update the appropriate label(s). Note that you are responsible for all translations if the default is not used.
- mpp-opportunity-details.responseButtonText: Text that appears on the response button. Default is "Submit Response".
- mpp-opportunity-details.thankYouMessage: The Message that is displayed after a response is successfully submitted. Default is "Thank you for responding about this Opportunity! If needed, use the form below to respond for another household member".
- mpp-opportunity-details.validationFailedMessage: The Message that is displayed after an unsuccessful response. Default is "Some field values are incorrect or missing. Please correct and try to submit the form again."