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Configuring Prayer and Feedback

Quick Start

Allow people to submit prayer requests and feedback through your website. See the Quick Start Guide for tips on getting the Prayer & Feedback Widget up and running.

If the shared script hasn't been added to your website, add it to the appropriate webpage, replacing "example-church.com" with the base URL of your church's website.

<script id="MPWidgets" src="https://example-church.com/widgets/dist/MPWidgets.js"></script>

Create a webpage on your website that will display your Prayer & Feedback Widget or identify the page on your website where it will be displayed.

Add the widget to your church website by adding the following snippet of code, along with required attributes, in the body of your chosen website page, modifying the required attributes.

Tip: While not mandatory, this snippet would typically be placed inside a <div> element with the class "container".

Widget Configuration

Required Attributes

  • Return URL: The URL where the Prayer & Feedback Widget was placed on your website. This required attribute facilitates the verification step.
    • Attribute: returnurl
    • Valid Value: A fully qualified URL. This URL is used by the verification token to direct the User back to the Widget, so it cannot be relative.
    • Example:
  • Email Template ID: Identifies a Message stored in the Platform that will be sent to the individual who submits a Prayer & Feedback response.
    • Attribute: verificationemailtemplate
    • Valid Value: Message ID
      Note: This is a Message page ID, not a Template page ID.
    • Example:

Optional Attributes

  • Program ID: If included, Prayer & Feedback responses are associated with the identified program.
    • Attribute: programid
    • Valid Value: A single Program ID
    • Example:
  • Feedback Type ID: Determines which Prayer & Feedback types are available in the Feedback Type drop-down menu.
    Note: There are four Feedback Types (Prayer, Praise Report, Comment, and Raving Fan) and you can mix and match them into different versions of your Widget. You could have one Widget for each type, or combine Prayer and Praise Report into the same Widget.
    • Attribute: feedbacktypeids
    • Valid Value: One or more Feedback Type IDs, separated by a comma.
    • Examples:

Attributes must be included before the opening widget tag is closed. Attributes may be listed in any order and should be separated by a space or other whitespace. An attribute's value should be wrapped in quotation marks.

<mpp-prayer-feedback-form returnurl="https://example-church.com/prayer" verificationemailtemplate="141" programid="3" feedbacktypeids="1,2"></mpp-prayer-feedback-form>

Configure Your Widget

Fill out the Widget Configurator below, copy your generated widget code, and paste it into your website.

Platform Configuration

Program: Select the Program that fits the prayer and/or feedback you'll receive.

Verification Email Template: Prayer & Feedback is a two-step Widget and this Message requires a verification token for users to continue the form. No records have been created for this User in the Platform, so Contact Merge Fields are not available. This Message can be personalized using optional tokens.

  • Required: [mpp_verify_email_url] (expires in 24 hours) should be set somewhere in your email. This link should be set from source view. The link text displayed might be "click here" or "verify".
  • Supported Merge Fields: [mpp_contact_first_name], [mpp_contact_last_name]
<div>tap here to <a href="[mpp_verify_email_url]">verify</a></div>
Tip: Make the From Contact, Reply to Contact, and Subject Line of the verification message very obvious so the Contact and easily identify it in their inbox. You can also include merge fields in your Subject Line to personalize your message.


Further customize the Prayer & Feedback Widget with CSS and application labels.

CSS: Every Widget accepts the Custom CSS attribute. Include it before the opening Widget tag is closed and customize backgrounds, button colors, and more!

Application Labels: Want the "Submit" button to say "Request Prayer" when the Feedback Type is limited to a Prayer Request? Want to add, "We'll be praying for you!" to the message a user receives after verifying their Prayer & Feedback submission? No problem! To make changes, go to System Setup > Application Labels and update the appropriate label(s). Note that you are responsible for all translations if the default is not used.

  • mpp-prayer-feedback-form.verificationEmailSentMessage: The message displayed after a User submits their Prayer & Feedback. Default is "Please check your email and follow the link to verify your submitted feedback or request for prayer."
  • mpp-prayer-feedback-form.submitButtonText: Label on the button the User clicks to submit their Prayer & Feedback request. Default is "Submit".
  • mpp-prayer-feedback-form.feedbackSubmitted: The message a User receives after verifying their Prayer & Feedback submission. Default is "Your feedback has been submitted. Thank you!"