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Selected Sacrament Certificates

Print certificates for a selection of sacramental records.


The Selected Sacrament Certificates report is available on the following pages in Catholic systems only:
  • All Sacraments
  • Baptism
  • First Communion
  • Confirmation
  • Marriage


This report prints the text only, so it's great for printing directly onto certificate paper. If you'd rather print certificates using your own template, see Selected Sacrament Export instead.

  • Sacrament Type: Defaults to * All Sacraments Types, but you can select a type to generate certificates for only records of that type.
  • Show Notations (Baptism only): Defaults to No, but you can select Yes to generate an additional page for each Baptismal certificate that prints information related to that member's other sacraments (if any).
  • Profession Of Faith: Defaults to No, but you can select Yes to print a Profession of Faith or OCIA certificate. This only applies to Baptismal records that have Profession of Faith marked. This doesn't change certificates of any other type.
  • Show Logo: Defaults to No, but you can select Yes to print the image from the Parish or Sacrament Place record at the top-center of the certificate.
    Tip: For the best fit, we recommend images be 420 pixels wide x 72 pixels high.

Be sure to click View Report to load any changes you make to parameters.

Note: Consider the following regarding fields used in this report:
  • The church that displays comes from the Parish field on the sacrament record. If you want to customize the way this displays on the letter, you can enter a value for the Parish name and location on the sacrament record.
  • Only two sponsors or witnesses print on the certificate, and the order they print depends on the Print Order on the Sponsor or Witness records.


Example showing the Certificate of Baptism for a participant

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