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Recent Records Panel

The Recent Records Panel displays records you previously visited in the lower left-hand side of both the Basic and Advanced navigation menus. The Recent Records Panel offers a convenient way to revisit records and avoid duplicating searches.

  • The Recent Record Panel stores up to 50 entries.
  • To return to a previous record, click the entry.
  • Entries sort in descending order starting with the most recently visited record.
  • The panel displays the Selected Record Expression (the title a record is identified by) above the corresponding Page.
  • You can resize the Recent Records Panel to your liking.
  • Select an entry to open the record and place the entry at the top of the list.

The Recent Records panel showing records that were previously opened

Other Considerations

  • Users with Impersonate rights will continue to see their own history in the Recent Record Panel while impersonating. However, you can only select entries available to the impersonated User's Security Roles.
  • History stores per User, per browser session. If you clear the cache or use a different device, a new history of entries accrues.
  • The system creates entries for open records only; it does not log Sub-page navigation and does not display in the Recent Record Panel unless the User fully navigates from the Sub-page record to a main Page.
  • You can always access records in the panel, no matter which Global Filter you apply.