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When you log in to MinistryPlatform, you'll see your Home Page. From here, you can use the navigation menu to access the various pages. Remember, you can switch the layout anytime to suit your preferences or the work you're doing.

Image of the Platform with numbers beside different areas and options

1: Basic Menu
All your high-use Pages in one place. Click the section name (for example, Contacts, Groups, Events) to open that page. Click the arrow to the right of the section name to open related high-use Pages. We grouped them together so you can quickly find what you need.
2: Advanced Menu
The old-school Platform navigation you know and love, with all the same features. This menu includes all the available Pages that you can access.
3: Recent Records
Displays previously visited records for an authenticated User per device. Always available, but if you need a break from seeing where you've been, use the down carrot to collapse it.
4: Global Search
Click the spyglass icon to open the Global Search bar. Returns matches across multiple Pages and Record Facts.
5: Global Filter
Limit results by Congregation or Parish.
6: Layout
Click the toggle between list, grid, and calendar layouts.
7: List Sort
Sort the List Layout in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order with the click of a button.
8: Charts
Click the button to hide or show charts.
9: Actions
Complete a task, send a message, or take any action allowed by your Security Roles.
Note: The Action Menu is dynamic, so you only see actions related to what you do in MinistryPlatform.
10: Tools
Open the tools menu to access the Add/Edit Family, Contact Log, Transfer Selection, and more. Security Roles determine the tools available to you.
11: Reports
Click the menu to see available reports.
Note: The Report menu is dynamic, so if you don't select any records, you won't see reports, you won't see reports that require a selection. Want to run a selected report? Make a selection and the option displays!
Record Facts
Key information available at-a-glance from both the List Layout and an open record.


Having trouble seeing all the buttons on your screen as you navigate through MinistryPlatform? You might be zoomed in on your web browser. To zoom-out, either:

  • Hold down the CTRL key (or Command on a Mac) and press once on the minus (-) key. If you still can't see, do it again. Eventually, depending on how far you zoomed in, the buttons come into view.
  • Change your screen resolution settings in the computer's Control Panel.

MinistryPlatform not loading correctly? Check the following:

  • User Account: Make sure you log in to your User account. If you impersonate a User or log in with a different User account, Security Roles could restrict access to the page and/or view you try to access.
  • Browser Issues: Clear your browser cache and local storage to resolve any browser issues. For more information, see Browser Issues.

If you logged in to your account and cleared your cache, but the Platform still isn't loading correctly, ask your SPoC to contact support.