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System and User Resources

No matter where you are in MinistryPlatform, you always have access to these systems and resources in the upper right corner of the screen.

Gif showing options for Global Filter, Global Search, Announcements, and your user account

Global Filter

Global Filters restrict the data grid to one Congregation at a time to enhance data organization. Users with access to multiple Congregations can change the current filter at any time in the masthead.

Global Search

Global Search returns matches across multiple Pages. You can use this to look for specific information even when you don't know where it's located. It is also an insightful way to see various records related to a single individual.


The bell icon indicates notifications related to new releases and updates. The number of alerts is noted inside the icon and is present until the time set by our staff.

When there is a new alert, the Product Alert dialog box displays for all Users after they log in. Once the User dismisses the dialog box, they can click the bell to revisit these alerts at any time or until they expire.

First Time Authentication

The system prompts new Users who authenticate for the first time to set their Time Zone and Locale. If they ignore this prompt, they can set and change these values on the User Account record. If this field is empty, the User inherits the Time Zone and Locale of the Domain record.

User Account Dialog

Click your image and then User Account to launch the User Account dialog for the current User. SPoCs (or any User with Can Impersonate set to Yes) can either go to User Account or impersonate another User.

Log Out

Click Log Out to log out of MinistryPlatform and go back to the Login screen. For security purposes, we recommend you log out whenever you close MinistryPlatform or leave your workstation unattended.


The About window provides details of the MinistryPlatform version running. SPoCs (or any User with Admin set to Yes) also have a Refresh Cache button on their About window. If you are an Admin (set in your User record), you can clear your cache using this dialog. Click Clear Cache to force updates made to the Domain Record to take effect immediately that would otherwise take time to clear the cache.


Click the bookmarks icon forquick links set by your SPoC for easy access to other online resources (for example, your organization's website, our Help Center, and so on). A SPoC (or any User with Edit rights to Lookup Values > Bookmarks) can update bookmark links.