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Template Record Fields

Templates can be found by navigating to Communications > Templates.

Template Name
A friendly name that clearly identifies this Template. Templates that we create and deploy include "[USED BY ...]".
Subject Text
The text that becomes the Subject when you use this Template. For text message templates, the Subject Text is the message.
The body of the message if you compose it with HTML.
Body Data
The body of the message if you compose it with JSON. If used, the Template Editor Tool populates this field.
Pertains To Page
Indicates the Page ID this Template sends from. The New Message Tool uses this to filter and group Templates.
  • This Page should correspond to any Data Merge Fields present in the Message.
  • Templates without this value are on all Pages and should only contain Contact Merge Fields.
  • Populating this field restricts Templates to that Page and groups them together under the Page Name header in the New Message Tool.
Template User / Template User Group
The User and/or User Group associated with this Template. This User or User Group can access the Template. Users who are not the Template User or in the Template User Group can't access the Template.
Indicates whether this Template is active and currently available in the New Message Tool. If you don't want Users to see a Template in the tool, set Active to No to inactivate the Template.
Note: Routines do not use this field. Processes and notifications will send with a Template, even if you set Active to No.
From Contact
The Contact that Messages using this Template send from. Recipients see this Contact's information in the Message they receive.
Reply to Contact
The Contact that receives any replies to Messages sent using this Template. Recipients see this Contact's information when they reply to a Message.
Communication Type
Indicates the Template's associated Communication Type. Manage these under System Lookups > Communication Types.