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Create & Edit Templates

We highly recommend using the Template Editor Tool, which helps you create stunning templates without working with HTML. And there's a neat AI component you can use to generate content and images!

Create a Template with HTML

Use HTML to create a Template in MinistryPlatform in lieu of using the Template Editor Tool.

  • You must have knowledge of HTML to do this.
Note: Only use HTML to create a Template if the Template only contains content without formatting.
  1. Go to Communications > Templates.
  2. Click New Template.
  3. Add content to the Body HTML field.
  4. Complete the Template fields. All required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
    Important: Leave the Body Data field blank. The Template Editor Tool uses this field.
  5. Click Save.
Your new Template displays in the Template list, and you can now use this Template to send a Message.

Create a Template from a Message

Use an existing Message to create a Template in MinistryPlatform.

  1. Go to Communications > Messages.
  2. Find the Message you want to use.
  3. Use the source view to copy the Message body and include any formatting.
  4. Go to Communications > Templates.
  5. Click New Template.
  6. Paste your text into the Body HTML field.
  7. Complete the remaining Template fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
  8. Click Save.
Your new Template displays in the Template list, and you can now use this Template to send a Message.