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Transfer Funds

Transfer funds between participants or events.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
You can transfer funds between participants, trip, or another user. You can also transfer funds to "unallocated", as long as the funds remain attached to the same trip. Admins will also be able to view an Audit Log to track actions taken on individual transactions.
Note: If you attempt to move more funds than is needed to a participant, or if you select a participant that is fully funded, you will be prompted to select a different amount or participant.
  1. In the top menu, click Events > My Events..
  2. Select the event you want to transfer funds from.
  3. From the event dashboard, click Team Members > View Team Members.
  4. Select a participant to transfer funds from. This displays their profile.
  5. On the participant profile, click Funding.
  6. Select the transaction you want to re-allocate and click Transfer Funds.
  7. Select where to transfer funds. You can transfer funds between participants, to another event, or to another user.
  8. Click Choose to begin transferring funds between participants, another event, or another user.
    The Transfer Funds pop-up with the three transfer options.
  9. Click on a participant, event, or user(s) from the drop-down menu to transfer fund to.
  10. Enter an amount to transfer.
  11. Click Yes, Transfer Funds.