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Remove Funds from a Participant

Remove funds from participant trip funding.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
Remove funds from one participant so you can reallocate the funds elsewhere. For example, if Sally received a portion of unallocated funds in error, you can remove the previously unallocated funds from her funding.
  1. Go to Events > My Events.
  2. Click the event that has the funds you want to remove.
  3. On the left menu, click Team Members > View Team Members.
  4. Click on the participant you want to remove the funds from.
  5. Click the Funding tab.
  6. Click on the transaction you want to remove.
    The funding options drop-down buttons below the line item.
    A list of options appears below the transaction.
  7. Click Remove Donation.
  8. In the Remove Funds pop-up, click Remove Allocation.
The transaction now displays a $0.00 value in the participant funding, and the Audit Log displays the history of the transaction, which now includes the removal of the donation.