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Set Cost of Trip

Admins can increase or decrease the total funding requirement for one participant in the Team Members section of an event.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
Editing funding for a single participant can be useful for:
  • Allowing a popular participant to raise more money than their cost for the trip.
  • An alternative to creating an allocation for staff or other discounts.
  • Managing special funding circumstances more simply.
  1. Go to Events > My Events.
  2. Click the event.
  3. On the left menu, click Team Members > View Team Members.
  4. Click on a participant.
  5. Click the Profile tab.
  6. Next to their current funding goal, click Change.
    The participant's profile page with the Funding Goal highlighted in red.
  7. Enter the new amount into the Funding Goal field.
  8. Click Update Goal.
The participant can see the new amount in the Funding Goal section of their profile. The new funding goal is also noted on the Team Member view, the personal funding page of the participant, and the total funding goal for the trip. Donors can continue to give toward the trip even after the trip goal has been met.