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Link Access ACS Users to ACS Facility Scheduler

Once a user creates an account in Access ACS and logs in at least once, a matching user account for ACS Facility Scheduler is automatically created and linked.

You must assign roles so that the user has permissions in ACS Facility Scheduler.

If Access ACS users have not logged in before, you can manually link their user accounts to ACS Facility Scheduler .

  1. Log into Access ACS as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Admin > Security.
  3. On the Users tab, select Other Users.
  4. Locate the user you want to link.
  5. Under Link Login, for that user, click Add.
  6. If the user's personal information is already stored in Access ACS, click Select user from People records. Otherwise, enter the user's information. The user name and password are populated from ACS Facility Scheduler.
  7. In the drop-down list, select the Assigned Profile for the user.
  8. Click Save.
  9. If applicable, edit the user's assigned profile permissions.
  10. Under Event Registration, be sure the user has Grant rights to Event Setup.

The user can now log in to Access ACS with the same user name and password from ACS Facility Scheduler. In addition, the user now displays on the Users tab in Access ACS, rather than the Other Users tab.