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Create an Advanced Query

You can create an advanced query.

Queries with more than one condition use keywords to determine whether any or all of the conditions must be met. Complex queries can be built by putting conditions into groups.

When you process the query, ACS Facility Scheduler looks at every event in your database and returns those events that match the conditions you specified. After processing a query, you can print the results or export the results to a file.

  1. On the Reports tab, click Advanced Queries.
  2. In the Actions group, click New Query.
  3. In the Find Events for: drop-down list, select an event date option. The Event Date query field updates automatically with your selection.
    • This Week – The current week starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday, including today.
    • Next Week – The upcoming week starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday.
    • Next 7 Days – Today plus 7 days.
    • Next 14 Days – Today plus 14 days.
    • Next 30 Days–Today plus 30 days.
    • Next 12 Months – Today plus 12 months.
    • Last 30 Days – The last 30 days to today.
    • Last 12 Months – The last 12 months to today.
    • Custom – Select to query a custom date range.
  4. To add conditions, click Add Condition.
  5. Continue adding and deleting conditions, changing keywords, and adding or deleting groups.
  6. To process the search, in the Actions group, click Run.
  7. To save the query for future use, in the Actions group, click Save.
  8. Enter a Name for the query and click OK.
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