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About Mass Deleting Queries

Mass delete is useful if you want to clean up old events or need to delete more than one event at once.

Tips for Mass Deletion

  • To preserve program performance, there is a fixed maximum number of events (2,500) you can delete at one time. If you need to delete more than the max number, you can run Mass Delete multiple times.
  • Email notifications will not be sent to users when events are mass-deleted.
  • You can't delete events with registrations. You must delete these events individually.
  • If you don't have the delete permissions to an event, mass delete will not delete it.
  • Please allow several minutes to several hours before deleting associated items, such as resources and calendars.

Mass Deleting Spanning Events

When mass deleting spanning events, the events that display depend on the query field and conditions used in your query.

When mass deleting using the Start Date query field, you must include the start date within the range of your query.

For example, if you create an event that runs from August 1 to August 31, and you query for start dates greater than or equal to August 15 and less than or equal to August 31, your spanning event does not display in the query results.

However, if you query for dates greater than or equal to July 15 and less than or equal to September 15, the spanning event displays in the query results, which lets you include it in a mass delete.

When mass deleting using the Event Date query field, the event displays in the query if any dates within the spanning event match the conditions.

Mass Delete Permissions

You can choose which users can use mass delete by assigning roles to users. You must assign mass delete permissions to existing roles from the Administration tab.

Navigate to the Administration tab and click Deleted Events to view information about events deleted individually and through mass delete.

Any user who has rights to the Administration tab can view the delete log.