Involvement Dashboard
See how well congregants are engaging.
In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click . On the Involvement tab, you can see which congregants are most active in your ministry.
The charts display church-wide involvement scores and also graph how scores have increased or decreased. This is tracked in 28-day increments. You can click a segment of a graph to view the involvement levels of individuals.
Church groups, system groups, and pending gifts are not included in these statistics.
The information on the Involvement Dashboard is based on the Involvement Metrics you set up. At night, new data is collected from your Involvement Metrics. This means if you create Ministry Areas/groups today, it may not show in the filter options until the following day.
Involvement Metrics
How the Involvement Dashboard numbers work.
Before you begin
- Only a user with the Administrator responsibility can change the way involvement is calculated.
- Since involvement measures are compared month-to-month, the first time you record attendance or contributions, the involvement dashboard will not be updated for 8 weeks. Once Realm has this initial data, updates occur nightly.
- Involvement Factors
- Involvement Levels
1-Involvement Factors
This is where you "weigh" the importance of each involvement activity in calculating involvement scores.
If a person is a group leader and you have set "Leader of Group" to 5, this category will contribute greatly to his or her final involvement score. If you've set "Leader of Group" to 1, it will boost the total score only slightly. In other words, the categories are pre-determined and built into the calculation, but you determine the importance or "weighting" of each.
If, for instance, you set "Regular Attender" to 5 and "Regular Giver" to 2, you believe attendance is highly important to a person's involvement, but financial contribution is only moderately important. The numbers for all four factors must total 12 before you can save.
- Leader of a Group—The calculation considers only whether or not someone has been a group leader, or become one, within the past 28 days. It does not increase his or her score to be a leader of multiple groups. It is simply a "yes" or "no" factor.
- Member of a Group—This is also a "yes" or "no" factor based on whether or not someone has been or become a group member within the past 28 days. A person in three groups is scored no higher than a person in one.
- Regular Attender—This factor is considered a "yes" if the individual was present at 75% of group meetings within the past 28 days. † Attendance above this amount does not result in a higher score. Attendance below this amount results in a score of zero for this factor.
- Regular Giver—This factor is considered a "yes" if the individual contributed a total of at least $150 within the past 28 days. †† Contributions above this amount do not result in a higher score. Contributions below this amount result in a score of zero for this factor.
By default, involvement factors are set as follows:
- Leader of a Group: 4
- Member of a Group: 2
- Regular Attender: 3
- Regular Giver: 3
†To change this, click "Change Percentage". ††To change this, click "Change Amount".
2-Involvement Levels
The involvement score places each individual in one of four involvement levels: Very Active, Active, Sporadic, or Disengaged. You will never see a person's numeric involvement score, only his or her involvement level. Your settings in the second set of sliders in the Set Up Involvement Metrics window determine which level a score corresponds to.
Since the ultimate purpose of all these calculations is to determine each person's involvement level, not just to assign them an arbitrary score number, we've created these four levels. You will not see an individual's numeric score since "Very Active" is a far more useful value than a score of "11.2".
You, however, must determine how you want to use the involvement score and, therefore, how exclusive or inclusive each involvement level is. Your settings could be based on any number of considerations.
Say, for instance, you are planting a new campus. You want to isolate the records of only the most highly involved people and approach those individuals to head up the expansion. This project requires the highest level of commitment, so you set the "Very Active" level to 11 so that only a select few appear in that category.
By default, involvement levels are set as follows:
- Very Active: 11-12
- Active: 4-11
- Sporadic: 1-4
- Disengaged: 0-1
You can use these scores as an additional statistic to monitor levels of participation and growth over time, not only of each person, but of your church as a whole.
The calculations occur once every night, in the background. The formula considers both a person's activities and the specific weightings you give to those activities. From these factors, it calculates a single score for each person.
While individual scores may differ greatly, importantly, the formula used to calculate them is the same for everyone. This means involvement statuses can be compared equitably, giving you an insight into which groups, programs, and campaigns work best. You can also see, at a glance, which individuals might require special attention and who are the key players in your growth plans.
Some Notes about Attendance
- By default, all attendance taken is included in involvement metrics. But it can be excluded by changing the setting Include attendance data in analytics when creating or editing individual groups or ministry areas.
- For involvement purposes, an attendee is only counted once per day. After that, attending multiple classes, events, and so on, will not increase an individual's involvement score.
Set Up Involvement Factors
Set up involvement factors for dashboards.
This is where you "weight" the importance of each involvement activity in calculating involvement scores.
- In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click .
- Click the Involvement tab, then Customize Metrics.
- In the Involvement Factors section, use the sliders to adjust the settings. See Involvement Metrics for further reference.
- Click Save.
Set Up Involvement Levels
Set the levels of dashboard involvement.
Set your four involvement levels: Very Active, Active, Sporadic, or Disengaged.
- In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click .
- Click the Involvement tab, then Customize Metrics.
- Scroll down to the Involvement Levels section. Use the sliders to adjust the settings. See Involvement Metrics for further reference.
- Click Save.