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Data Work

Note: The data services listed below are not covered by your Support Agreement (consult your Service Level Agreement for details). But these are the specific areas in which we offer Professional Service assistance!
Available Services
Note: Hourly rates apply. Please consult your Service Level Agreement for fee amounts. To receive an estimate, contact Support.

We reserve the right to decline any project for any reason. We may use sub-contractors for some of this work.

Recovering Data

Attention: Time is of the essence! If data has been accidentally changed or deleted, there is a two-week recovery window. It's important to contact Support as soon as possible.
There are cases where a user may unknowingly or accidentally change or delete data. It happens to the best of us and there's no need to panic. We can help! Common scenarios include:
  • The user did not clear their selection on a given page prior to working with a new selection.
  • The user used the "jump" button from a selection on a sub-page and they jumped to a different page than they expected.
  • Files attached to a record have been removed.
Tip: Use the Deleted Record Research report to investigate missing records or as a simple way to identify the records you know were deleted in error and which to have restored.
When data or attachments have been accidentally changed or deleted from MinistryPlatform, we may be able to assist with your data recovery. There is a two-week window available to restore records from a backup.

Have access to your database server? Please perform the following steps and notify Support as soon as possible.

  1. Identify which of your database backups contains the data you are missing.
  2. Restore that backup to a new (non-production) database.
  3. Inform us of the specific data that is gone, and where this temporary database is located so we can retrieve the data.

Don't have access to your database server? Contact Support as soon as possible.

Important: Services are subject to availability. Hourly rates apply. Please consult your Service Level Agreement for fee amounts.

Reviewing Data

There are times when you may believe that data has been updated in MinistryPlatform, but the changes are not displaying. Here are some suggestions that may help you to locate your data or identify potential data entry issues:

  • All changes made by MinistryPlatform or any application using our API are recorded in the Audit Log. Check the record you expected to be changed to confirm if there is a value listed in the Audit Log.
  • There may be duplicate records, and the user may have edited the wrong one, thinking the edits are completed. If you know which user made the changes, go to the Users page and run the "User Audit Log Detail" report to identify which records the user has edited.
  • The user may have forgotten/missed the save button, in which case the changes were never applied to the database.

If you would like us to assist with this research, our normal rates for Professional Services will apply. Alternatively, if you determine records were accidentally deleted, see Recovering Data for steps on recovering lost data.

Important: Services are subject to availability. Hourly rates apply. Please consult your Service Level Agreement for fee amounts.

Importing Data

There are times when you find a dreaded data silo that you want to be added to MinistryPlatform so that it continues to be your "one database to rule them all".

Many times Professional Services can do a back-end import of the data to save you from manual entry. To find out if an import is possible and if so at what cost, please email Support with the following details:

  • A sample file
  • Mapping instructions (What columns in the file correspond to what fields in MP?)
  • Expected volume/frequency of the import (is this one time or yearly?)

Although Professional Services doesn't create new applications or import tools as part of Professional Services, our team can play a valuable role in application development. See Application Development for more details if you need something on a monthly or regular basis.

Note: Hourly rates apply. Please consult your Service Level Agreement for fee amounts. To receive an estimate, contact Support.
Important: We reserve the right to decline any project for any reason. Due to holidays, demands of our technicians' time, or other extenuating circumstances projects are subject to our technicians' availability. We may use sub-contractors for some of this work. If we do, you will be informed in advance.
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