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We love our churches and we love partnering with you to help people engage in ministry and grow as disciples. Retainers further develop the relationship between your church staff and an individual at ACS Technologies.

No matter where you are in your MinistryPlatform journey, a retainer relationship can benefit your church in the following ways:

  • Regular meetings between your team and our representative
  • A discount for prepayment of services
  • Three-month renewable retainer terms

Technician on Retainer

You can work with our talented team of technicians to fully leverage MinistryPlatform. You might want a Technician on Retainer when your church has a strong MinistryPlatform Administrator (SPoC) and wants to extend and automate all the things. For pricing, call 1-800-736-7425.

Technician service includes:
  • Communication directly with your technician via email
  • Having the technician in your project management system (for example, MS Teams)
  • Work against your sandbox and/or production system
  • MinistryPlatform database extensions (custom tables and fields)
  • MinistryPlatform metadata extensions (pages, sub pages, read-only pages, filtered pages)
  • MinistryPlatform automation (notifications, processes, webhooks)
  • Report authoring (paginated, mobile reports)
  • Database automation (routines, notifications allowed)
  • Research into data and metadata issues prior to sending a support case
  • Assisting a development effort applying all of the above
  • Data repair/restore operations (for example, undoing an errant mass assign)
  • Data Imports and Data Reorganization via scripts
  • Custom development (quoted separately)
  • Researching application errors (quoted separately)

Our technicians have a broad range of skills and within the budget of time there are many things they can help your team accomplish. But even if our technician doesn't have a particular skill, they can engage a different technician for assistance. That time will be applied to your retainer at the retainer rate.

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