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Related Records

There are several records that are related to the Household record. Assuming you have appropriate Security Roles, you can see these on the tabs in the Household record.

  • Contacts: In order to record a home phone, address, and primary Congregation, a Contact record must belong to a Household record. Some applications (like Check-In and the Add/Edit Family Tool) do not display contacts unless they are associated with a Household record. A collection of contacts that belong to a household can be viewed in an open Contact record (on the Primary Family tab) and in an open Household record (on the Household Members tab).
  • Addresses: A single Address record is attached to a Household record. All Address records are available in the Lookup Values folder. Generally, an address is associated with only one Household, but this is not a requirement. You can see households that use a specific address by going to Lookup Values > Addresses, opening the Address record, and clicking the Households tab.
  • Household Care Log: When a Household Care Log entry is entered for a family, the record displays in the Care Log tab of the Household. All Household Care Log entries can be viewed in Care Cases > Household Care Log.
  • Other Households: Occasionally, a contact needs to be related to more than one household. For example, non-custodial parents are in a different household but need to be related to the child's household for Check-In Kiosk search, Classroom Manager permitted guardians, and/or communication purposes. You can relate one household to another on the Other Households tab of a Contact record. Household Types can be viewed under System Lookups > Household Types.

Associate a Contact with Other Households

Indicate a connection between a contact and multiple Household records.

A contact must belong to one household (their "primary family"), but you may want them to be associated with other households. This helps, for example, to accommodate check-in by separated parents or other family members like grandparents.

Note: If you need to move family members to a separate Household, use the Split Household Tool.
  1. Open the Contact record who should be associated with multiple Households (such as, the child of divorced parents).
  2. From the Other Households tab, click New.
  3. Search for and select the other Household record.
  4. Select the appropriate Household Position.
  5. Select the appropriate Household Type.
    Tip: In order for the household to display for this contact in Check-In Suite, the Household Type must match the Household Type you have set for CIM, ShowsInCheckinHHTypeID. For more information on this setting, see Check-In Suite Settings.
  6. If this situation is temporary or no longer is valid, add an End Date.
  7. Click Save.