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Auto-login Links

Aside from what already exists in your system, you can create additional auto-login Snippets.

Note: Widgets don't support auto-logins.

Portal Auto-login Snippet

When you use correct values, the following link automatically logs a specific User into the Portal and onto a specific page.

https://{your church domain}/portal/login.aspx?dg=[Domain_GUID]&cg=[Contact_GUID]&ReturnUrl=/portal/<return-page>

Custom Form Auto-login

The Custom Form auto-login link automatically logs a specific User into your website and displays a Custom Form. So assemble your church's information and get ready to copy and paste! You'll need:

  • Your Domain (this is your church's website)
  • Custom Form GUID (you can find this on the Form record)

When configured, the auto-login link should look like the code below. To make it easier on yourself, copy this text and update it with your domain and Custom Form GUID. Be sure to replace "[Form GUID]" with the GUID from the form you want to link to.

https://{your church domain}/portal/login.aspx?dg=[Domain_GUID]&;cg=[Contact_GUID]&;ReturnUrl=/portal/get_form.aspx?id=[Form GUID]

Note: Alternatively, you can use a simple link. People can access any Custom Form using a link in the following format:

https://{your domain}/portal/get_form.aspx?id=[form_guid]

In this format, {your domain} is your church's base website (for example, www.example-church.com) and [form_guid] is the GUID created when you initially save the Form record. To get this value, open a Form record and look for the Form GUID field.