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List Layout

List Layout is the user-friendly way to see details at a glance. With its tall rows and color-coded record facts, casual users can find the information they need to know without digging through what they don't need. For example, a pastor can glance at the Contacts page to see someone's contact status, the campus they attend, and whether they're a member. This list shows the first 1,000 items, and you can filter based on a predefined search.


When you enter information into a page's Start Date field, the List Layout defaults to display records in descending order according to that data field. If the page's Start Date field value is empty (null), the List Layout defaults to ascending order according to the Selected Record Expression.

Note: You can reverse sort the List Layout with the click of a button!

  • This sorting is specific to List Layout.
  • In rare cases, there may be information in a page's Start Date field that you can't see in the List Layout (for example, Event Services). On that page, List Layout displays in ascending order.
    Note: My Messages is a unique page with views sourcing from both Messages & Recipients. Some views sort in ascending order and some views sort descending.


A List Layout search looks at the Select Record Expression ("Title"), Record Facts, and grid columns of the current view. While it searches the current view, List Layout doesn't know the view's column order, so a traditional column search won't work. List Layout treats commas as asterisks, transforming a comma search into a wildcard search.