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Run a Participation Report

Run a report of a team's participation as PDF or CSV.

Permissions Required

Only available to administrators and users who have the Manage Volunteer Teams/Serving Roles permission.

You can run and print a report of a team's overall participation in PDF or CSV format. Select the number of days used to calculate the report's metrics and whether to base participation on assignment response or attendance. Assignment response indicates the number of accepted, declined and unresponded assignments. Attendance is the number of times a volunteer was marked present out of all scheduled assignments.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Volunteers > Serving Teams.
  2. Click the name of the team, then click the Roster tab.
  3. Click and select Participation Report.
  4. Select how many days to include in the report's metrics.
  5. Select whether to base participation off of assignment response, attendance or both.
  6. Select a PDF or CSV format.
  7. Click Save.