Copy and Generate a New Statement
Copy an old statement and generate a new one using the old statement's settings.
- You must have the View Individual Contributions permission to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
- In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click .
- Either select the Contributions tab for contribution statements or Pledges for pledge statements.
- Click
beside a statement that was emailed and select Copy & Generate New Statement.
- Review and edit existing statement information, and follow the steps.
- If you want to preview your statements before you generate, click Preview (first 10).
- If you're satisfied with the preview, click one of the following to generate your statements:
- Export PDF— Export all statements as a PDF.
- Send Emails and Export PDF— Send statements to contributors who have emails, and export the rest as a PDF.
- Export CSV— Export your statements as a CSV file to be sent to our Fulfillment Services team.
- Create a List of Records in Constant Contact and Export PDF— If you have more than one Constant Contact account, select the one you want to export to. Enter the information that will display on the list of statement records, and export the rest as a PDF.Note:
If you see that the number of records is higher with Constant Contact, it's because Constant Contact counts shared and parent/child profiles separately.
For example, if James and Jane Aaron share their giving, they display on the list in Realm as a single entity. With Constant Contact, James and Jane display on the list separately but will receive one shared giving statement all the same.