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Find a Transaction in a Reconciliation Draft

Use the filter to locate specific transactions and their details.

  • You must have accounting administrator, bank reconciliation, or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.

As you compare your bank statement with your reconciliation draft, use the filter to make sure you've entered the correct transaction information for specific vendors, double check the amount you've paid them, and more.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Bank Reconciliation.
  2. Click the ending date of the reconciliation you want to search.
  3. Click the filter icon, then enter the information you want to search for.
  4. Click Filter.

Enter a Transaction While Reconciling

Enter a missing transaction while reconciling your bank statement.

  • You must have accounting administrator, bank reconciliation, or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.

While a reconciliation is still in draft form, you can enter transactions you may have missed, a bank fee, or interest earned that you find on your bank statement. Adding a transaction to a reconciliation will post the transaction, so ensure that all transaction data is correct before you save.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Bank Reconciliation.
  2. Click the ending date of the reconciliation you want to edit.
  3. Click + Add Transaction.
  4. Select the Transaction Type. If you want this to be the default transaction type, select the Make default other type check box. If adding a check as a Transaction Type, select whether or not the check is printed. If it is, you must assign the Ref. No.
  5. Select the Payee, Date, and Checking Account.
  6. In the Account field, begin entering each account segment then select it from the list that displays as you type. The fund and core accounts are required, the other segments are optional.
  7. Enter the Amount. Optional: Enter a Comment and select a Project.
  8. Click Add Lines if the transaction is split across more than one account. Optional: Enter a Description.
  9. Review the information again to make sure it's correct. When you're ready to post this transaction to your general ledger, click Save & Post.

Remove a Transaction from Reconciliation

Remove unneeded transactions while reconciling your bank statement.

  • You must have accounting administrator, bank reconciliation, or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.

Is a transaction preventing you from reconciling a bank account? If it doesn't display anywhere on that bank's statement, remove it. This does not delete the transaction, so be sure to investigate why it displays within this date range before reconciling this bank account.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Bank Reconciliation.
  2. Click the ending date of the reconciliation you want to edit.
  3. Click the ellipsis icon next to the transaction you want to remove and select Remove. This does not delete the transaction.
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