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Complete a Reconciliation Draft

Return to a draft, and complete reconciliation.

  • You must have accounting administrator, bank reconciliation, or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.

If you needed to take a break after a previous reconciliation session, open your current draft to resume. All work from your previous session is saved and ready for completion.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Bank Reconciliation.
  2. Click the ending date for the reconciliation you want to complete.
  3. To reconcile your account, click Complete Reconciliation. This button is only available when your ending balance matches your cleared balance.
  4. Click Complete Reconciliation again to confirm.

View and Print a Completed Reconciliation

View all cleared and outstanding transactions to see how they match with your book balance.

  • You must have accounting administrator, bank reconciliation, or the appropriate accounting specialist permissions to perform this task. See Accounting Roles and Permissions for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Accounting. Then click Bank Reconciliation.
  2. Click the ending date of a completed reconciliation.
  3. Click the printer icon. A preview of your report displays.
  4. Click the printer icon for a physical copy, or Download for a .pdf file.
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