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11.0E Release

If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.

PDS DioOffice 11.0E, released for desktop 5-2-23 and OnDemand 5-11-23, offers the following enhancements.

New and Improved Features

Split Checks by Amount or Percentage
  • You may get a check that covers multiple funds or activities. For example, a check for $100 has $75 going toward the Catholic Services Appeal while the remaining $25 goes to other gifts. Now, you can split check amounts or percentages during the Payment/Donation Entry quick posting!

  • Enter the information for the check as usual, then click Split at the bottom. Select whether to split the check using amounts or percentages, then add each fund and activity. You can split the total up to eight ways. Once you click Apply/OK, the original line in the grid is replaced by lines for each entry you added.

    Gif showing an example of a $100 check split between two funds for two different amounts

eGiving Report Drafts
  • You can print reports anytime during the eGiving quick posting. If you print one before posting the information to records, you'll now see "DRAFT" at the top of the report. That way, you know it's not the final batch report.

    Example report showing DRAFT at the top

Partial Name Search for Personnel and Institutions
  • You can now search for personnel and institutions using a partial name. This is available for all personnel types; diocesan offices, departments, and organizations; groups and businesses; and parishes and facilities. If there's only one result, the matching record displays. If more than one result is found, you can select a record from the list.

    Example showing a partial name search for "porter" and the results for several institutions with "porter" in the name

Patron Saint on Parish Records
  • You can now record patron saint(s) on a parish/facility record. In the Primary Information window, there is a field for Patron Saint where you can enter any text you'd like. This field can also be used in reports and selections by expanding Institution > Institution Detail and selecting Patron Saint.

    Parish Primary Information screen showing the new field for Patron Saint

Family Primary Email Fields
  • We added two fields that you can use in reports and selections. Fam Primary Email displays the first email address listed on the family's record, and Fam Primary Email Unlisted displays "Yes" or "No" depending on whether the family's first email address is marked as unlisted.

Title Definition for Deacon & Mrs.
  • We added a default title definition for "Deacon/M", which displays as "Deacon & Mrs.". To add this title in your program, open the File menu and click Setup > Title Definitions, then click Restore Default Values. Note that this will reset the list and remove any values you have added. If you'd rather, you can add this title definition to your list.

  • After that, you can use the title on records. When adding or editing a family, you can enter "Deacon" for the head's title and "Mrs." as the spouse's title, and they are stored correctly on the records.

ACH File Format
  • Most banks restrict the use of special characters in ACH files. To make it easier, PDS now removes the ampersand (&) and slash (/) characters from family names in ACH file exports.

Filter Selections Using a CSV File
  • If you're familiar with Additional Selections, you know you can gather records with a certain field value that is either in a list or not in a list. For example, you could add a condition for Fam.ID_Number is in list 1,3,6,18, and the selection would gather family records where the ID is 1, 3, 6, or 18. This requires you to enter the list in the condition, which is fine for a short list, like in our example. But what if you have a long list or a list that you pulled from outside of PDS? Now, in your condition, you can point to a CSV file to search inside of.

  • Let's say you have a CSV with 300 lines of family IDs, and you want to run the Family Listing report for only these families.

    An example of a csv file with separate lines for each ID number

    • Instead of typing out all 300 IDs in the condition, you can enter "<" and the file path of the CSV file.

      Example of Additional Selections with a condition of Fam.ID_Number is in list <C:\Documents\families.csv

    • When you run the report using this condition, it only prints the families whose IDs are listed in the CSV file.

      Example of the Family Quick Listing report showing only those families whose IDs match in the csv file

  • What about CSV files with multiple columns? In that case, you just need to specify the column to search.

    An example of a csv file with separate lines that contain the last name, comma first name, comma ID number

    • So if the family ID is in the third column, your condition would include the file name, a comma, and the column number.

      Example of Additional Selections with a condition of Fam.ID_Number is in list <C:\Documents\family-info.csv comma 3

  • For more information, see the "Additional Selections" section on Report Selections. Remember, you can also use Additional Selections in quick postings and some processes.

Your PCI Responsibility
  • Sometimes, you may need to enter contributions on behalf of your parishioners, whether over the phone or in person. Doing so increases the scope of your parish's PCI responsibility. To maintain PCI compliance, you must complete and retain an authorization form for each of these payments.

  • We have helpful resources available for you to learn more and download the authorization form. For your convenience, we added a link to the resources in your program. In the Families window, click Rates/History/Keywds, and you'll see the link under the grid for "Understand your PCI responsibility for contributions entered on someone's behalf".


We fixed several issues that were reported internally to our team, as well as the following issues that affected some of our customers:
  • If you clicked the Quick Emails/Text Msgs link for personnel, a message incorrectly told you that the record did not have an email address even when it was present.
  • When posting eGiving using Vanco - Auto Connect, if you cleared an entry to post, the total amount changed to zero and the selected transactions were not being sent to Vanco for processing.