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11.1A Release

If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.

PDS DioOffice 11.1A, released for desktop 10-23-23 and OnDemand 10-26-23, offers the following enhancements.

New and Improved Features

Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • You can now add an EIN in the Primary Information window of a parish or facility record. This 9-digit number, also known as a Tax Identification Number, is assigned to certain institutions by the IRS for identification purposes. This new field is also available to use in reports and selections.

    Example of a facility record with the new EIN field in the Primary Information window

All or Any Filtering on Listing Screens
  • When filtering a column on listing screens, you can now select whether to apply any of your conditions or all of them. Selecting Any of these means that your conditions are not dependent on each other, and an entry will display in the grid if it meets one or more of your conditions. If you select All of these, then an entry must meet all of your conditions in order to display in the grid.

  • For example, let's say we filter the Age column with two conditions: "Greater than 50" and "Less than 60". If you choose Any of these, then anyone over the age of 50 OR under the age of 60 will display... which is everyone in your data. In this case, to see everyone between these ages, you'd want to choose All of these. That way, only those who are over 50 AND under 60 will display.

    Example showing the Clergy listing screen filtered for age

Long-Term Backups
  • You may notice a new option when backing up and restoring your data. Select Back up to the Long-Term Backup folder for the more important backups you want to keep on a long-term basis. When you need to restore data, you can select from the Long-Term Backup internal archive folder. Note that the long-term location should not be used for every backup, only those that are most important.

  • If there are other users in the program when you try to back up your data, you're now prompted to notify them to save their work and exit so you can complete the backup. See Notify and Dismiss Other Users to learn how that feature works.


We fixed issues that were reported internally to our team, as well as the following issue that affected some of our customers:
  • If you searched using partial information and selected a record in a different area (such as a member record when you were in the Families window), the record was not displaying. This also happened if you selected a record in a different area from the list of recent searches.