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11.1G Release

If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.

PDS Church Office 11.1G, originally released in August 2024 and re-released for desktop 8-27-24 and OnDemand 8-29-24, offers the following enhancements.

New and Improved Features

Modified Batch Totals
  • When you modify a batch, you can now see the number of entries, total payment amount, and total fee amount. These numbers reflect any changes you make to the current batch.

    Modify Batch process showing the Number of Entries, Total Payments, and Total Fees for the current batch

Check Numbers for Fund Import
  • When you import fund information, you can select whether to import the check number from your file or assign the same check number.

    Gif showing the Contribution Details tab of the import process with options to Import Check Num from File or Assign the same Check Number

eGiving File Headings
  • When you post eGiving, all transfer types now accept files with or without a heading line. The program automatically detects whether a heading is present. The only exceptions are Smart Payment Solutions and SMART Tuition Mgmt Services, which require a heading.
Find Invalid Dates in Fund History Entries
  • In rare cases, your fund data may contain invalid dates, such as "07/17/0224" instead of "07/17/2024". Now, you can quickly find those so they can be corrected. From the Contributions window, click Find History Entries in the navigation menu, then select the Find Invalid Dates checkbox.
  • This option checks for any date before 01/01/1970. So, some matches may not technically be "invalid", but they are more likely to have been entered incorrectly. To resolve it, you can double-click an entry, which takes you to the record.

    Find History Entries dialog box showing the new Find Invalid Dates checkbox, along with three results for the dates 7/17/1898, 7/17/0898, and 7/17/0224

Improved Data Cleanup
  • In the Clean Up Data process, you can now eliminate duplicate keywords. Each keyword is listed along with the number of exact-matching duplicates found in the program. If there are one or more duplicates, the keyword displays in red text. Hover over the number to see the list of duplicate entries for that keyword.
  • To clean up the duplicate entries for all keywords, click Eliminate Duplicate Keywords. This combines the entries for each keyword.

    Clean Up Data process showing the Eliminate Duplicate Keywords section with duplicated keywords displayed in red text

Postal Rate Changes
  • The USPS updated postal rates, effective July 14, 2024. These changes were made in your PDS program and released on Monday, July 15. Next time you run EZ-Mail, you'll receive a message that allows you to download the new postal forms. For details on the changes, see 2024 Postage Price Changes (USPS website).
New Scanner Option
  • The MagTek® MICRSafe™ Encrypting Check Scanner 22551002 is now available for use with payment/donation entry. This is a single-feed MICR reader with encryption. For all options, see Compatible Products.
New Videos
  • Our team created new videos for various Church Office tasks. Topics include the basics of running reports (under Reports & Selections), archiving families and combining duplicates (under Records & Files), adding new fund periods (under Funds & Financials), and creating and pulling in registration forms (under Online Registration).

    Here's a sneak peek of Archive Family Records:

  • You can see our entire PDS Video Library by clicking the icon in your program.


We fixed issues that were reported internally to our team, as well as the following issues that affected some of our customers:
  • When adding a new family from the archive list, if you selected to use the marked members, one or more extra member records were being added.
  • If you used Church Budget in the Export to Envelope Companies report for families or financials, the email was not being sent due to circumstances beyond our control. Now, at the end of the process, you're prompted to email the file to the company.

    Prompt showing the location of the file on your computer

  • When posting eGiving using the Parish Giving transfer type, no information was being pulled in from the file.
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