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11.1B Release

If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.

PDS Church Office 11.1B, originally released in December 2023 and re-released for desktop and OnDemand 1-8-24, offers the following enhancements.

New and Improved Features

Split a Check More Ways
  • Now, you can split a check up to 20 ways in the Payment/Donation Entry quick posting. A new line is automatically added once you fill in a line and press Enter or Tab on your keyboard. Or, you can click Add Another Line.
Help with New Year Fund Setup
  • We know there are a lot of tasks to complete for the end of the year. So we added two things that can help get you through it!
  • Assist Me – Let the wizard guide you through the New Year Fund Setup process, step by step. Select the fund to process, then click the Assist Me button. Instead of seeing all the options at once, each step asks you one question and provides details about what it means. You'll have a chance to review everything before processing the data.

    Example of the Assist Me Wizard that prompts you to answer questions about your data

  • Use Values from Last Time – When setting up a fund for the new year, do you typically select the same options? For example, you may select to transfer families and rates the same way. Now, you can pull those values from the last time you ran the process. Select the fund to process, then click the Use Values from button. You'll have a chance to make changes before processing the data.

    Note: This feature relies on data from the last time you ran the process using this version. So, the button will not display until you run the process at least once after updating to 11.1 B -- which may be next year.
    Gif showing an example of using the Use Values from button to fill in the options for the new year/period
Find 'Performed Here' Church
  • Now, there's an easy way to jump to your Performed Here church record in the Sacrament Places list. Click Quick Lookup then Find Perf. Here Church. We also added helpful notes in the relevant windows so you can see which one is the Performed Here church.

Phone Lists without Types
  • Have you ever needed to print a list of only phone numbers without the type (like "Home" or "Mobile") displayed? Now you can! There are three new phone lists: Fam Phone List Only, Mem Phone List Only, and Personnel Phone List Only.
  • You can use these in the family, member, and personnel reports and listing screens, respectively. In listing screens, all phone numbers display on one line. When you print the phone lists in reports, each number displays on a separate line.

Log Emails and Texts
Advanced Field Calculations in Listing Reports
  • Have you ever wanted to show information in a listing report, but the program didn't have a field for it? Now, you can add your own custom fields based on a calculation or code!
  • For example, you may want to see the total amount a family paid for two different fund periods. There's not an existing field that contains that information, so you can add a custom field that calculates it. See Add Custom Fields in Listings for steps.

    Example showing the calculation code for a custom field and the resulting column in the report

  • You can also use your custom fields in Additional Selections! For example, only include families in your listing if the total of the two funds is greater than $0.

    Example showing the custom field used in Additional Selections and the resulting entries in the report


We fixed issues that were reported internally to our team, as well as the following issues that affected some of our customers:
  • Sometimes, families and members ended up with blank values (instead of "yes" or "no") in the Non-Parishioner checkbox. When this happened, those families or members were not counted as parishioners when running reports.
  • When printing the Baptismal Certificate Full Page and Back from the Sacramental Register, the Confirmation Place address was not being printed.
  • The option to print was not available after sending a quick email or text.
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