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11.1E Release

If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.

PDS Church Office 11.1E, released for desktop and OnDemand 5-23-24, offers the following enhancements.

New and Improved Features

Import Multiple Funds
  • Using the Import Fund Information process, you can now import more than one fund at a time! After you select your import file, select the new option on the Key/Env Number tab called The Fund Number is in a Column in the Import File. Then, on the next tab, you can indicate which column contains the fund number.

    Gif showing the new option that indicates the fund number is in the import file, and the field where you can map to the Fund Number column

Export a Batch
  • Have you ever been viewing a batch and thought, I need to export this? Now, you can! In the View Batches process, there's a new button for Export Batch. It creates the applicable CSV files with all of the information from the selected batch. If there are payments/fees, that information is saved in "PaymentsBatch<number>Export.csv". If there are terms/rates, that information is saved in "PledgesBatch<number>Export.csv". You can choose where to save these files and rename them if needed.
  • This is handy if you need to move a batch between two data locations. Remember, to import a batch into PDS, use the Import Fund process for payments and the Import Pledge process for pledge information.

Partial Name Search in Quick Postings
  • You can now search using a partial name inside of quick postings. In the name drop-down list, click the magnifying glass and select Family or Member Partial Name. Then, enter part of the name and press Enter. If results are found, you can select a record from the list.
Order of Ministries
  • You can set the order of ministries in the grid. When you're looking at anyone's Ministries/Talents window, there's a new option called Order Ministries by. You can sort ministries in the order that you entered them, by start date, or by end date. The choice you make here applies to all records.

    The Ministries/Talents window showing an option to Order Ministries By, with choices for As Entered, Start Date, or End Date

Gift Date or Deposit Date in Online Giving Report
  • We improved the new Online Giving by Date report so you can more easily reconcile your batch entries with the deposits at the bank. Now, the deposit date is stored in the fund's Comment field, and you can select to print either the Fund History Date or the Abundant Deposit Date.

    Option screen in the report wizard prompting you to select either Fund History Date or Abundant Deposit Date

  • Whichever you choose, note that the report uses the Fund History Date to determine which transactions to include, so you may see some dates outside of your selected range if you print the Deposit Date.
  • In addition, when you run the eGiving quick posting, you can select which date to use if you print the Deposit List.

    eGiving Report Choices screen with options to print by Gift Date or Deposit Date


We fixed issues that were reported internally to our team, as well as the following issue that affected some of our customers:
  • The back page of the Baptism Certificate was not always printing the Confirmation Name. Now, it prints from both the Member and Sacramental Register Certificate reports.
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