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Widget Configuration

Required Attributes

  • Return URL: This is the URL where the Group Finder is placed on your website.
    • Attribute: returnurl
    • Valid Value: relative or fully qualified URL
    • Examples:

Optional Attributes

  • Inquire About Full Groups: Allows Inquiries to be submitted to Groups that are full. A Group is considered full when the Target Size is met or Group is Full is set to Yes. The default is false.
    • Attribute: inquirefullgroups
    • Valid Value: true or false (or empty)
    • Example:
  • Count Group Inquiries: Allows Group Inquiries to be counted towards a Group's Target Size. If the corresponding attribute is set to true for Group Finder, set to true for Details also. The default is false.
    • Attribute: countgroupinquiries
    • Valid Value: true or false (or empty)
    • Example:
      Note: The Group Is Full field always overrides the Target Size field. For example, let's say the Target Size is 20 and 15 people have signed up. That group is not considered full. However, if you change Group Is Full to "Yes", the widget will reflect that the Group is full.
  • Inquiry Email Template: Identifies a message stored in the Platform that will be sent to the individual who submits a Group Inquiry. Empty is the default.
    • Attribute: inquiryemailtemplate
    • Valid Value: Message ID or empty for unspecified.
      Note: This is a Message page ID, not a Template page.
    • Merge Fields and Snippets: Personalize your message with Merge Fields! Want to get really fancy? You can use snippets in your widget messages! All you need to do is add the Domain_GUID and Contact_GUID to the Default Field List of the table on which the record is created by the Widget.
      1. Open the Domain record and copy the Domain GUID.
      2. Open the Page record and edit the Default Field List.
      3. Add Contact_ID_Table.[Contact_GUID] AS [Contact GUID].
      5. Save Default Field List.
      6. Ensure your snippet includes both the Domain_GUID and Contact_GUID.
    • Example:
  • Sign Up Email Template: Identifies a message in the Platform that will be sent to the individual who submits a Group Sign Up. The default is empty.
    • Attribute: signupemailtemplate
    • Valid Value: Message ID or empty for unspecified.
      Note: This is a Message page ID, not a Template page ID.
    • Example:
  • Leader Contact Email Template: Identifies a message that will be sent to both the group's Primary Contact and anyone in the Group with a Group Role Type of Leader when someone signs up for their group.
    • Attribute: leadersignupemailtemplate
    • Valid Value: Message ID or empty for unspecified.
      Note: This is a Message page ID, not a Template page ID.
    • Example:
Note: The message templates are optional. If they are not added, the user will be allowed to inquire (or sign up) for the group and will see this message: "Invalid Email Template. Saving the record is allowed, however no email notifications will be sent." To prevent this, add the appropriate email template attribute.
  • Show Full Group Address: Determines whether a full or partial address will be shown based on a Group's Offsite Meeting Address. Configuring as Yes will display a map along with the full Address. Configuring as No will hide the map and display only City, State, and Zip Code. An Address must have Latitude and Longitude populated to generate a map. The default is empty.
    • Attribute: showfulladdress
    • Valid Value: true or false (or empty)
    • Example:
  • Hide Contact Tab: Hides the Contact This Group tab and the related form. Default is empty.
    • Attribute: hidecontacttab
    • Valid Value: true or false (or empty)
    • Example:
  • Hide Sign Up Tab: Hides the Sign Up for This Group tab and related form. Default is empty.
    • Attribute: hidesignuptab
    • Valid Value: true or false (or empty)
    • Example:

Attributes must be included before the opening widget tag is closed. Attributes may be listed in any order and should be separated by a space or other whitespace. An attribute's value should be wrapped in quotation marks.


Configure Your Widget

Fill out the Widget Configurator below, copy your generated widget code, and paste it into your website.