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Platform Configuration

Groups will appear in the Group Finder and Group Details Widgets whenever they meet the following criteria:

  • Today's date is less than the End Date or the End Date is undefined.
  • Available Online is set to Yes.
  • Group belongs to a Group Type where Show on Group Finder is set to Yes.
  • Group is Full is set to No, unless Groups which are full have been configured to appear, which will then show a "Full" banner in the upper left-hand corner of the group card. Sign up with not be available for full groups.
  • Target Size (if defined) has not been reached. Group Participants always count toward Target Size. Group Inquiries can also be configured to also count toward the target size.
  • If Meets Online bit field set to Yes, the Group Details page will have a "Meets Online" indicator tag.

Emails sent by the Widget use the From or Reply To Contacts set in the Message template, so review your templates and make sure that your emails are coming from the correct person (and that the right person will be getting the replies).

When someone inquires or signs up for a Group, the Primary Contact is notified through a Process, so make sure your Group's Primary Contact email is up-to-date.

When someone signs ups for a group, they are assigned the the Default Group Role found on the Group Type record.

Tip: Make sure your Default Group Role is set up to help you do church your way!
Note: If a group is Full and Meets Online, the Meets Online banner will override the Full banner. (This circumstance assumes that the church has configured Full groups to show on the Group Finder.)