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Selected Campaign Fulfillment Report

The Selected Campaign Fulfillment Report provides you a more complete picture of the amounts you can expect to receive in total over the life of a pledge campaign and compare those amounts to amounts that you've received to date.

This report considers the sum of the following:
  • Pledges made to a specific pledge campaign, including the donation distributions directly applied to those pledges
  • Scheduled donation distributions designated to any programs associated with that pledge campaign, including those you're expected to receive while that pledge campaign is ongoing
  • Other donation distributions designated to those programs over the same time period

This report is available to those with an Administrators security role, and you must select one or more Pledge Campaign records to use it.

Page: Pledge Campaigns

Selected Campaign Fulfillment Report Fields

A breakdown of the information you'll see when you run the Selected Campaign Fulfillment Report.

This line factors in pledges made to the specified pledge campaign where Pledge Status is Active or Completed and where the First Installment Date falls between the pledge campaign's state date and end date.
  • Households: The number of distinct households or families with at least one donor who has made at least on pledge as described above.
  • Total Due: The sum of the total pledge amounts of all pledges as described above.
    Note: The report will factor in any write-off-type pledge adjustments applied to these pledges if the Include Write Offs parameter is set to Yes.
  • Total Paid: The sum total of the amounts for all donation distributions applied to any pledge as described above.
  • Donations: The count of all donation distributions included in the calculation of Total Paid.
  • Average Donation: The total paid divided by the number of donations.
  • Balance: The total due minus the total paid.
Scheduled Donations
This line factors in scheduled donation distributions designated to any program associated with the specified pledge campaign and where installments are projected to occur on any dates between the pledge campaign's start date and end date.
  • Households: The number of distinct households or families with at least one donor with at least one scheduled donation distribution as described above.
  • Total Due: The sum total of the amounts for all installments projected to occur between the pledge campaign's start date and end date for all scheduled donation distributions as described above.
  • Total Paid: The sum total of the amounts for all donation distributions that match installments for scheduled donation distributions as described above.
  • Donations: The count of all donation distributions included in the calculation of total paid.
  • Average Donation: The total paid divided by the number of donations.
  • Balance: The total due minus the total paid.
All Other Donations
This line factors in donation distributions designated to any program associated with the specific pledge campaign but not directly applied to a pledge or matched to a scheduled donation. The donation distributions must also be associated with a donation that has a donation date between the pledge campaign's start date and end date.
  • Households: The number of distinct households or families with at least one donor that has at least one donation distribution as described above.
  • Total Due: This field does not apply.
  • Total Paid: The sum total of the amounts for all donation distributions described above.
  • Donations: The count of all donation distributions included in the calculation of the total paid.
  • Average Donation: The total paid divided by the number of donations.
  • Balance: This field does not apply.
Total Line
The sum totals for all of the above lines combined.
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