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Online Giving URL Filters

You can pre-filter the Online Giving URL so specific criteria are auto-filled when someone clicks the link. Append the online_giving.aspx URL as needed. The available filters are:
  • Congregation: ?filter=campus:<congregation ID> (Example: ?filter=campus:1)
  • Program: ?filter=purpose:<program ID> (Example: ?filter=purpose:3)
  • Amount: ?filter=amount:<text> (Example: ?filter=amount:50.00)
Note: Single filters can simply be appended to the URL. For example, to pre-filter for a specific campus: online_giving.aspx?filter=campus:1. Multiple filters are appended to the URL and separated with a vertical bar (|). For example, to pre-filter for a specific campus, purpose and amount: online_giving.aspx?filter=campus:1|purpose:3|amount:50.00.