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Online Giving and Payments are fully integrated with Authorize.net (aka Auth.net). You provide us with login/transaction keys, and we update your Portal to use these keys. Separate keys are used for giving and payments because only one is tax deductible. You must use Authorize.net if you use Portal pages for online registration.


MinistryPlatform and its applications comply with Authorize.net standards and endpoints.

As of 2/27/2017, all products were tested and compliant with Authorize.net's disablement of TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 and can support TLS 1.2 for API connections. For more information on TLS disablement and Authorize.net, please see this Authorize.net announcement.

Hand-Off & Communication

MinistryPlatform transmits the transaction details to Authorize.net (credit card information is not stored in MinistryPlatform), and Authorize.net handles all verification and processing.

When a one-time gift transaction is processed, it goes into Authorize.net, then goes into MinistryPlatform with a transaction code and a gateway response of successful. This is the same for registration payments.

When a recurring gift transaction is processed, MP makes a Donation record for every single Donation in the series and they all get the same subscription code. The two systems then never communicate on these records again. For example:

  1. Someone enters payment info on the Portal.
  2. Submit.
  3. Payment info handed off to Authorize.net.
  4. Authorize.net verifies.
  5. If rejected, user notified on Portal (back to step 1).
  6. If accepted, Authorize.net records.
  7. Handed off to MP (with transaction number).
  8. MP records created.
  9. MP & Authorize.net never "communicate" again.
  10. Authorize.net settles (or attempts to) based on your account set up (for example, settles daily at 11:59 pm).

Giving vs. Payment Account

Where the transaction occurs on your Portal, not the MP Program, controls which Authorize.net account a transaction hits (payments or giving).

Transactions from the following Portal pages will hit your tax-deductible (giving) Authorize.net account:

  • Mission Trip Giving
  • Mission Trip Registration (including deposits)

Transactions from the following Portal pages will hit your non-tax deducible (payment) Authorize.net account:

  • Event Registration
  • My Purchase History


Error: This transaction cannot be accepted. This error occurs when an Authorize.net transaction key is invalid. Keys are invalidated 24 hours after you generate a new one.