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LifeApps - June 2022

Big changes are coming to GroupLife with this release - volunteer applications and compliance will not be available inside Group Life! Managing your Ministry Team (or other volunteer Group) just got easier. And the hits just keep coming with enhancements and bug fixes for both Care Life and Group Life.

Important: Life Apps rely on a Google Maps API Key that is configured for your Tools and Life Apps URL. See Google Maps API Key to confirm it is configured correctly.

Life Apps

  • Enhanced Messages in Life Apps so that the Send button is always actionable.
  • Standardized images across the Care Life Dashboard and Group Life My Groups page.
  • Removed the search field from the Group Life & Care Life Communications tabs. Simply scroll through the list of members and check the box next to the person you'd like to message.

Care Life

  • Enhanced Care Life so that Care Case Administrators can opt to see all Care Cases on their Care Life Dashboard.
  • Enhanced Care Life so that Care Life Administrators can edit the Care Cases through Care Life.
  • Enhanced Care Life so that a Care Case Manager can be added when the Care Case is created through Care Life.
  • Enhanced Care Life to display all open Care Cases, no matter how long they've been open.
  • Enhanced Care Life to display the Last Care Date on the CareLife Dashboard.
  • Enhanced Care Life with consistent font and icon size.
  • Fixed an issue where the Care Life Dashboard was not displaying accurate information.
  • Fixed an issue where the Care Manager name was being sourced from the Display Name field (which has been deprecated) on the Contact record.

Group Life

  • *NEW* Added an Applicants tab so that volunteer managers can view and manage Opportunity Responses associated with their Group.
  • Enhanced Group Life to display Group Member's contact information (including address, email, and phone numbers) on the Members and About tabs.
  • Enhanced Group Life to add and update the Time Confirmed field on the Group Participant record when attendance is Confirmed. If attendance is canceled, the Time Confirmed field will be cleared.
  • Enhanced the Audit Log for changes made via Group Life. The Audit Log will now read "APIUser on behalf of [name]".
  • Enhanced Group Life messaging so that Group Leaders can send emails to Group members who have opted out of receiving bulk emails.
  • Enhanced Group Life Member filters so that Group Leaders can filter by Group Role, Participant status, and Compliance.
  • Enhanced Group Life to display actionable alerts when a Group Members' compliance items are missing or about to expire.
  • Enhanced Group Life so that selecting Cancel only cancels the Room and Group record associated with that Group rather than canceling the entire event if multiple Groups are associated with the same event.
  • Enhanced Group Life to display attendance totals for past meetings.
  • Enhanced Group Life so that details for meetings created through Group Life can be edited in Group Life.
  • Enhanced Group Life to display a confirmation message when a new meeting is created.
  • Enhanced Group Life to display a badge count on the Inquiries tab.
  • Enhanced Group Life so that meeting updates are immediately displayed after the Edit Meeting box is closed.
  • Enhanced Group Life navigation for a smoother experience.
  • Enhanced Group Life so Locations are sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Enhanced Group Life so that attendance can be taken for any individuals added before the Group meeting end time.
  • Enhanced Group Life to display a badge next to Group Members who are not Fully Compliant.
  • Enhanced Group Life to allow filtering by Group Members who are not Fully Compliant.
  • Enhanced Group Life so that a list of Participants will be available an hour prior to the Event Start Time.
  • Updated Group Life Members so that the Remove button will not display if the Participant has been End Dated.
  • Fixed an issue where current and past Participants were listed on the Group Life Details page.
  • Fixed an issue where Group Life attendance could be taken for Events that occurred more than 14 days in the past.
  • Fixed an issue where Group Life returned to the About tab whenever the User refreshed their browser while using Group Life.
  • Fixed an issue where editing meeting details returned an error if no meeting location was listed.
  • Fixed an issue where starting to add a new Group Member's phone number and then deleting it resulted in an error message.
  • Fixed an issue where Group Inquiries made through the Platform were not able to be accepted in Group Life.
    Note: Both the Contact must be populated in the Platform for the inquiry to be visible in Group Life.
  • Fixed an issue where editing meeting details returned an error if no meeting location was listed.