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Tracks are a series of steps to get people involved in your ministries.

In Growth Method, people progress through track steps when communication patterns are complete or after data inside the ChMS database is triggered. You can adjust steps within a track to better meet your organization's goals for that track.

For example, your organization has a prayer request contact form, and you want to communicate with congregants that completed that form, so you create a prayer request track. Once you add congregants to the track, you can have Growth Method automatically send them a personalized text thanking them for their prayer request and informing them that the pastor will call them about their request. Once Growth Method sends that text, it can add the track congregants to a specific contact list the pastor needs to call the next day. Then, once the pastor calls all the track congregant to discuss the prayer requests, the pastor can add the prayer requests to his notes for his next service. After the next service, he can call or text the requester to follow up with them. Once the congregants have made it through all the track's steps, you can perform various tasks, such as add them to your organization's prayer circle to help them stay involved with your organization. These tasks may vary slightly based on your ChMS.

Essentially, tracks help you to automate your communication and move congregants through a specific process so that you can help get your congregants engaged and keep them involved in your organization.